
标题: MBA英语词汇记忆法 [打印本页]

作者: 七七    时间: 2012-5-24 11:18
标题: MBA英语词汇记忆法

  1. 替代法

  Courage v.勇气

  En-courage. 鼓励




  Save 节约 save you money.

  Order 秩序

  Energy 能量,体力 conserve one's energy

  2. 联合法

  Friendship n.友谊

  Disappointment n.失望


  Rap (knock) 敲

  Rat (mouse) 老鼠

  Rob v.抢劫,盗窃,rob sb. of sth. ;steal(偷),steal sth.

  Rod (stick) 杆

  Rug n.=carpet 地毯,blanket n.毯子(床上用的)

  Rap a rat with a rod.

  Pit 坑;wit智慧

  A fall in the pit ,a gain in your wit.

  Sweet n.甜

  Sweat n.汗水

  No sweet without sweat. No pains, no gains.

  Repel v.击败,击退

  Rebel n.反叛力量,叛军

  Repel the rebel.击退叛军

  Twist v.扭转,扭伤

  wrist n.腕

  twist one's wrist.

  3. 谐音法

  Frugal adj.节俭(腐乳够)

  Thrift n.节俭

  thrifty adj.



  Cloud/cloudy 多云的

  Dirt/dirty 脏的

  Hair n. (通常指人身上的) 毛发

  Hairy adj.多毛的,毛茸茸的/

  fur n.(兽类的)软毛

  Furry adj.毛制品

  Extravagant adj.奢侈的


  Parents who have extravagant hopes for their children are bound to be disappointed.

  Agony n.痛苦

  Curse v.诅咒

  Ambition n.雄心,抱负(俺必胜)

  Slaughter v.屠杀(死了好多)

  Inch n.英寸

  Foot n.英尺

  Mile n.英里

  4. 对比法


  Adapt/adopt v.

  Adapt à ad-apt,

  Apt adj.1)适当的,恰当的;2)有。。。倾向的

  He made an apt remark.他做出了恰当的评论。

  Ad àadd,增加的意思


  Adapt sb.使某人适应

  Adapt oneself to

  Adapt 2)改编

  Adapt the play for television.

  Adopt àad-opt,opt(选择的意思)

  Option n.选择,选项

  Optional course选修课

  Adopt 1)采纳;2)收养

  Adopt one's suggestion

  Adopt an orphan收养一个孤儿

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