




分享 Stainless Steel Tube - How Is It Made?
gjgy36 2012-8-21 11:03
Stainless Steel Tube - How Is It Made? Stainless Steel Tube - How Is It Made? A stainless steel tube is basically a closed shaped structure which is used in numerous structural functions . The shape of a stainless steel tube can be round, square or rectangular or as per the requirement ...
228 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Refractories China 2010
gjgy36 2012-8-21 11:01
Refractories China 2010 refractories china 2010 Refractories China will provide a ideal place to showcase the latest products and powerful tool to promote business in the Asia-Pacific region . The event will offer total solution for the metal industry under one roof with the comprehen ...
232 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Petrol pump operators threaten strike on April 23
gjgy36 2012-8-21 11:00
Petrol pump operators threaten strike on April 23 Petrol pump operators threaten strike on April 23 NEW DELHI: Petrol pump operators today threatened to go on a one-day strike on April 23 demanding a hike in commission they get on fuel sales. "It has been decided that all Petrol pum ...
194 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Replace a Septic Distribution Box
gjgy36 2012-8-21 10:58
How to Replace a Septic Distribution Box How to Replace a Septic Distribution Box The distribution box of the septic tank system, is used to evenly distribute the wastewater from the septic system to the dispersal field. Over time, the distribution box can erode, and will need to be re ...
187 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Liquid Gel Caps vs. Hard Capsules
gjgy36 2012-8-21 10:56
Liquid Gel Caps vs. Hard Capsules Liquid Gel Caps vs. Hard Capsules In pharmacology, capsules are hollow containers that hold liquid or powder forms of medication for oral use. Capsules can be manufactured as soft gel caps that contain liquids or as hard capsules that frequently contai ...
179 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Wellhead and Hanger Testing Report
gjgy36 2012-8-21 10:54
Wellhead and Hanger Testing Report Wellhead and Hanger Testing Report Major wellhead manufacturer Summary Personnel from a major wellhead manufacturer created simulated severe leaks in wellhead components to test the ability of Seal-Tite to cure the leaks using Seal-Tite s pressure ac ...
151 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 登高车的用途
qqqqii05 2012-8-16 14:05
登高车的用途 登高车的用途 登高车的用途是既可做为物料搬运与周转的承载工具,又可以作为登高取货的辅助作业工具,后者的作用比较大。 登高车采用优质钢材制造配以优质脚轮可以灵活移动,具有安全可靠、结构简单、方便快捷的特点 。当货架高度超过人体的高度时,取放高处货物极不方便,登高车可以轻 ...
225 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 液压升降机使用及保养
qqqqii05 2012-8-16 14:03
液压升降机使用及保养 液压升降机使用及保养 升降平台四个支撑腿应牢固的支撑在坚实的地面上,必要时可使用枕木,支撑不牢不得起升作业升降平台 升起后不得移动。升降平台 在使用时,工作台面应保持水平状态载物应安全放置在工作平台上,严禁超载作业升降平台 在升降过程中,严禁攀爬。若需维修,待升起顶牢后 ...
215 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 飞思卡尔i.MX35与Freescale i.MX51的比较及imx515的方案
qqqqii05 2012-8-16 14:02
飞思卡尔i.MX35与Freescale i.MX51的比较及imx515的方案 飞思卡尔i.MX35方案与Freescale iMX51方案的比较及imx515的方案定制。相对i.MX35而言,iMX51在以下几个方面有大幅提升: 1. ARM core: iMX51方案用的是ARM Cotex A8 , i.MX35采用的是ARM11. i.MX51的L1,L2 Cache容量更大,ARM主频更高,最高可达1GHz. ...
236 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 H59-1铜棒
qqqqii05 2012-8-16 14:00
H59-1铜棒 介绍    H59铜棒是有色金属加工棒材的一种 ,具有较好的加工性能,高导电性能,是黄铜棒的一种。 特点   H58铜棒,H 59铜棒 属于易切削黄铜,有环保黄铜棒和普通黄铜棒之分。一般正宗的58-3铜棒,59-1铜棒都是挤压工艺的,普通的连铸铜棒生产的铜棒各方面性能达不到,挤压工艺的铜棒具有抗 ...
260 次阅读|0 个评论

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