




分享 Vatac Resilient Seated Gate Valves
ipg321 2012-11-9 10:37
Vatac Resilient Seated Gate Valves Vatac Resilient Seated Gate Valves are with Main Features as below: ▲ Ductile Iron Body Bonnet with high strength and impact resistance. ▲ Rubber Encapsulated DI wedge to ...
366 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The types of slab gate valve
ipg321 2012-11-9 10:35
The types of slab gate valve The types of Gate Valve include valves with Through Conduit Slab, Through Conduit Expanding, Solid Wedge and Flexible wedge gates. Choosing an appropriate Gate Valve is dependent on the duty and the sealing characteristics demanded by the service; Through Conduit s ...
401 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Vatac through conduit gate valve
ipg321 2012-11-9 10:33
Vatac through conduit gate valve Vatac through conduit gate valve use a combination of dieformed flexible graphite and interbraided graphite in a predetermined arrangement to ensure an effective seal. Graphite packing achieves its maximum ability to isolate the atmosphere when it is contained ...
301 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Vatac Knife Gate Valves
ipg321 2012-11-9 10:32
Vatac Knife Gate Valves Knife Gate valves is similar to a gate valve, but usually more compact. Often used for slurries or powders on/off control.Knife gate valves can be used as cut off Valve and Adjustable Valve in some situations. It can be serviced under the Pressure Rating PN1.0~PN2.5Mpa, ...
305 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Vatac Gate valve
ipg321 2012-11-9 10:29
Vatac Gate valve Vatac Gate valves are compact designed and properly machined, which is completely in accordance with most updated International Standards of API 600, ASME B16.34, DIN 3202, GOST or equivalents Vatac offers a broad line of Cast forged gate valve in both B.B P.S desig ...
340 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Vatac globe valve
ipg321 2012-11-9 10:23
Vatac globe valve Vatac is an international leading manufacturer and supplier of industrial valves in the world. Our primary goal is to provide a unique solution for the services of Oil, Gas, Nuclear, Refinery, Chemical, Marine, Potable Water, Waste Water, Sewage, Power Station and Pipeline I ...
288 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 无锡各银行个人消费贷款普遍高于基准利率 目前审核更为严格
悲伤的菊子 2012-11-5 16:17
  无锡各银行个人消费贷款普遍高于基准利率 目前审核更为严格   本月,各银行拉开了年底业务大战的序幕。有市民担心,银行可能会开始收紧信贷,眼下要去银行贷点消费贷款会比较难。昨从无锡一些银行了解到,目前大部分银行个人消费贷款都比基准利率高 10%—30% ,一些银行对个人信息审核更为严格。 ...
420 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 国有银行应回归乡镇
悲伤的菊子 2012-11-5 16:16
  国有银行应回归乡镇   最近,国内一些小城市和城镇的金融机构频频爆出存在监管和经营失范问题。这些问题的出现,与当前中国金融市场的布局不平衡不无关系,其深层问题不解决,将会严重影响中国经济的健康发展。   我国城市、城乡、国企民企之间的金融行业发展不平衡,一直是阻碍相关 ...
406 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 风投并非初创企业唯一选择
忧郁的菊子 2012-11-2 16:25
  风投并非初创企业唯一选择   传统风投的价值被市场所夸大了,企业家在没有考虑其他选项的时候就开始寻求风投的帮助。如果这些企业学会避免投入风投公司的怀抱,这些企业将完全可以避免被他人操作的命运。   对于许多硅谷的初创企业来说,公司现金流不足是所有企业在发展过程 ...
340 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 年底吸储“定存”利率上浮 哪家银行存款利息高
忧郁的菊子 2012-11-2 16:24
  年底吸储 “ 定存 ” 利率上浮 哪家银行存款利息高   年底将近,各家银行一般会忙于吸储,利率是其动用的主要手段。记者昨天走访市区多家银行,发现少有银行在执行基准利率,且多在基准利率的基础上有所上浮。以一年期定期存款 ( 整存整取 ) 为例,最高上浮为 10% ,即央行规定的上限峰值。 ...
335 次阅读|0 个评论

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